What's in It For Me? Finding Ourselves in Biblical Narratives
The world is rapidly dividing between those who take biblical narratives as the literal word of God--claiming that they are historically and scientifically true--and those who dismiss those narratives as quaint or even foolish fairy tales. There is however a sacred middle ground that What's in It For Me? Finding Ourselves in Biblical Narratives invites the reader to discover. That middle ground takes biblical narratives seriously without worrying whether they are historically or scientifically true. In that middle ground biblical stories reveal lessons that can lead all of us–Jews, Christian, Muslims, and adherents of another faith or of no faith–to richer more meaningful lives. The “truth” of these stories has nothing to do with, “Did this really happen?” Their truth emerges in the valuable lessons these stories can teach all of us
As we walk the rich middle ground of biblical narrative, we shall keep one question constantly in mind: Where am I in the text? In other words what do these stories teach me that can help me to be a more self aware, caring, and compassionate human being?